July 17

Light loose fast and large

Nolan Park, near Admiral’s house 

With Michael and Joel, 12-3pm

Text from Daniel @danielthomasquinn

Michael and Joel visited on a perfect day. It was not that hot even at noon; the sunshine  worked with the breeze and kept us moving. This was Michael and Joel’s first time on the Island and I was so excited to be their enthusiastic tour guide. We explored forts, gardens, chickens, hills, bees, goats and many more. 

As an artist and just finished teaching his first drawing class, Michael chose the phrase “Light loose fast and large” for the day. Interestingly, this phrase comes from Daniel, of his own foundation art school times. As an artist and a carpenter, Daniel recalled that his drawing professor would repeat this phrase during class to remind his pupils to go big and draw with fluid gestures. Now passed on to Michael, this advice may inspire a new generation of art students :D

Because of their help, I tried several new things today! We set up the remote monitor app Teamviewer and took photos with better phone camera. for less, but high quality images. We were also able to get photos with deeper perspective, taking in the buildings and other visitors in the background. This would otherwise be impossible to achieve. This was also my first time to do text directly on grassbeds instead of pavements on GI — the rich ground texture creates strong contrast with the dark soil. Additionally, we also tried out the big “lint roller” with rolls of transparent vinyl sticker, picking up a ghost image of the text. 
