June 26: Connect my senses to the body / to understand and act from there
Barry road, under big trees across from building 12k
With Cynthia and Alex, 2-5pm
The text is from Rocio Guerrero Marin
Cynthia and Alex came and brought with them some good company. After walking around for a long time, we finally found a shaded space for picnic.
Cynthia works in sculpture and performance, and she is also a youth art educator. We shared our experience teaching and our plans for a busy summer ahead.
The text we laid out is long and bold. Thanks to their help, it was a blast! A full bag of soil was used, and the dark text creates sharp contrast across different substrates on the ground, withstanding scooters and bikes passing by.
Both Cynthia and I had camera clickers, while Alex held up the selfie stick. We came up several poses in response to the text and they came out lively and meaningful. Alex gave me the phrase “Here we go” as something he frequently repeats. Cynthia’s text is “Doing something worthwhile is like growing a fruit from seed” with a further explanation:
“I grew veggie from seed during the pandemic and it helped offset my anxieties and the disorientation of time. This also reminds me of the analogy of a child being like an acorn, who has the potential to become an oak tree, given adequate conditions.”